International Service
The following are projects which the club is involved with, or have been in the past.
ICE Health Systems, Telehealth For India
And for a touch of positive news… By Dr Bhavini Gohel, Dr. Anil Jain and Dr. Mark Genuis ICE Health Systems has been developing a partnership with Rotary International throughout the past year. The partnership has been making its way through the various channels and we have recently been informed that the approvals are “in” and that we can begin our project formally, deliver services and build on the original project.
The project is to provide Primary Preventative care using Electronic Medical Record keeping and Telemedicine services using ICE Health Systems’ services to the town of Sarurpur, India. Calgary based physicians and volunteers Dr Bhavini Gohel, Dr Allison McQueen and Chris Coupal are customizing and designing so that we can be up and running by the end of this year. Using ICE health Systems as the back-bone we will deliver a Primary Preventative screening program to all villagers in Sarurpur and enable the doctors to connect with specialists in New Delhi. We will also be capturing data about common disease processes which will then inform us of future projects needed in the village to target common diseases. This has been a welcomed project from the physicians and local partners in the village. Unfortunately COVID-19 hit….And 1.3 billion people in India are now in lock down and unable to leave their homes. Many are shuttered in place suffering and without access to basic medical care. In Sarurpur they were also forced to close the hospital. Shortly thereafter ICE Health Systems received an email from the lead physician of CHILD Foundation Dr Bhavini Gohel on the project requiring that we move the timeline from 9 months out to 9 days out so that we can provide Record and Telemedicine services to the community of Sarurpur. We are pleased to report that we are on track to provide the EHR and telehealth services they require, within the timeframe requested by the physicians. The people will get care and access to professionals without leaving their homes.
With the ICE Health Systems able to work well over data as well as internet connections, virtually all of the people in the village will have access. We are more than pleased, grateful and proud of our wonderful team of professionals who make this possible and are quite comfortable stating that this is a service and service level few if any other systems could deliver. Our ability and willingness to step up has not gone unnoticed. Rotary has communicated about the sad reality that we will only be serving a village of a few thousand when there are 1.3 billion people shut in. They asked if we would be able to expand services throughout the country if Rotary was in a position to provide funding. Indeed, another feature of ICE Health Systems is its ability to scale to this level and beyond. So we were able to welcome the request. Simultaneously the Rotary Foundation has created a new mechanism for rapid access to funds for the COVID-19 pandemic. One does not know if this opportunity will proceed but the good people at Rotary are quite motivated and have started working to secure funding and relationships to expand the project.
We will be pleased to report on their progress. At the present moment, however, We are pleased that people will access care, suffering will be lessened and lives will be saved due to the leadership of the good volunteers at Rotary, the wonderful physicians and our outstanding team and the guidance and leadership of the Collaboration for health IT. May many such projects arise
Rotary Calgary Centennial Club Global Grant, GG2014939, was approved to vaccinate underprivileged girls in rural India against Human Papillomavirus(HPV) to prevent cervical cancer. - $38,200
Support for Orphans in Sri Lanka – $16,000
In 2007 Rotary Club of Calgary Centennial contributed $16,000 towards the operating costs of the Children’s Resource Centre (CRC) in Hambantota, Sri Lanka. The CRC supports more than 200 children. It was established after the tsunami that devastated coastal communities in Asia, including many in Sri Lanka.
Support for Schools in Afghanistan – $8000
In 2007 Rotary Club of Calgary Centennial contributed $8,000 to the Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan (CW4WA) to assist with teachers’ salaries and school supplies for two schools for orphans, one in Kabul and the other in Maimana, in Faryab Province.
Support for Schools in Thailand – $20,000
In 2006, Rotary Club of Calgary Centennial, and private donors, in conjunction with the Samsara Foundation funded improvements at a number of school sites in Thailand’s remote, mountainous north. These improvements included construction of dormitories, the supply and installation of water purification systems and the construction of toilet blocks, and the supply of school books, at a total cost of $20,000.
Supply of Medical Equipment to Thailand – $14,800
In 2005 Rotary Club of Calgary Centennial, assisted by a matching grant from Wild Rose Foundation, provided $14,800 to improve the quality of life for patients at the McKean Hospital in Chiang Mai, Thailand. These funds were used to purchase wheelchairs and gel cushions; to adapt motorcycles for the adult disabled; to modify bicycles for the adult disabled (hand-powered and regular adult tricycles); prosthetic devices; and specialized beds.
District Ambulance Project – India – $1000
This is a District sponsored project. The Project is to provide six Ambulances for District 3020 in India. The ambulances will be used to transport labourers and low income people requiring medical intervention from remote villages to the main hospital. Most of the patients suffer from malnutrition, anemia, cataract etc.
Costa Rica Micro-credit – $3000
This is a project of the Calgary West Rotary Club, which Calgary Centennial has decided to support it to the tune of $3000. The project is intended to support provision of capital to women in Cost Rica to start small businesses, and become self supporting.
Provide Sports Equipment to Disadvantaged Youth – Russia – $250, $7,380 with matching funds
This is a joint project between ourselves, Kananaskis Rotary Club and the Rotary Club of Esso, Milkovo in the Kamchatka Peninsula area of Russia. The donation of sports equipment is intended to improve self esteem and health, and reduce crime. The intent is to replace older mountaineering equipment for children's safety and purchase new equipment to expand children's opportunities.The goal of the outdoors and sports clubs is to feed the mind and soul of a youth by allowing the children to challenge themselves emotionally, mentally, and physically. These clubs are essential to maintaining social balance within the community, and also deter children from participating in criminal activities. Government funding is not provided to these clubs and the equipment is utilized by many financially disadvantaged children. The clubs charge no fees to children but rely on finding external financial support. See letter of thanks and photos.
Portable X-Ray Equipment – Russia $42,350, $105,362 with matching funds
This project is to purchase portable x-ray equipment for Kamchatka, Russia to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis. Tuberculosis has increased some 15-fold in children within the past 3 years. The equipment will allow the population to be x-rayed in their villages rather than have them travel by public transport to regional hospitals, with the risk of transmitting the disease to others.
Rubella Immunisation – Russia $5729, $7380 with Matching Funds
This project, in conjunction with the Rotary Club of Changacherry, India, and the Rotary Club of Blagoveschensk, Russiahas provided funds for 30,000 doses of vaccination for the Rubella virus in Amurskaya, Russia.
New York Disaster Fund – $2130
Club members donated $710 which was matched 2 to 1 with $1420 from Club funds.
Other Projects:
Student Youth Exchange
Ambassadorial Scholar Program
Funding and volunteers for the Paguila water supply project in Guatemala
Contributions to the Bosnia-Croatia relief fund
The Kelendine water project in Kenya, Africa
Pennies for Polio fund raising campaign – around $3.7 million raised, mainly thanks to Chuck Masur’s effort.