Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by tis ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. – Einstein
Not all young people with strong leadership abilities are easy to spot.
Many young people who face challenges and obstacles growing up are persistent, independent, resourceful, empathetic, creative and determined individuals with excellent problem solving skills.  Unfortunately, these strengths are often overlooked because they are being used in unconventional ways that may be harmful to themselves or others. 

In the Lead is changing that.
In the Lead is an in-school, semester long, strengths-based, leadership development program for unlikely leaders.
While traditional approaches have focused on fixing what is wrong with young people, In the Lead builds on what is strong in them.  Young people are not referred to the program based on problems they are facing, they are nominated for the program based on possibility and potential.  
Studies have shown when individual strengths are recognized and nurtured in positive ways, a sense of value, belonging and meaning comes to the surface.  In the Lead helps young people who are at-risk or in conflict with the law to transform what can be seen as negative characteristics or traits into leadership skills and abilities that can be applied in healthy, productive ways. 
Young people who participate in the In the Lead program who were once considered vulnerable for high-risk behavior are now on the road to realizing their full potential.
Jennifer Barroll is the Program Director of the in the lead In the Lead program, an innovative strengths based leadership program for vulnerable youth that uses corporate employees as coaches/mentors. She co-wrote and developed this strengths-based leadership program that has been running since 2011 in schools and corporations across Calgary. Jennifer has delivered innovative training and support to hundreds of corporate volunteer mentors as well as facilitated in-class curriculum to youth participants.  Jennifer’s career in broadcasting, business, marketing, program development, public speaking, and teaching has reached across cultures and around the globe over the past 15 years.  She was happy to receive the honor of top 40 under 40 by Avenue magazine in 2015 for her work in the Calgary Community.  She has delivered workshops and keynotes at events across the country and is very excited to share her message of encouragement and purpose wherever she goes.